Sequoia Strawberry Plants For Sale


We have Sequoia strawberry plants for sale here in Las Vegas. Sequoia Strawberries are large, sweet and juicy fruits.


We have Sequoia strawberry plants for sale here in Las Vegas. Sequoia Strawberries are large, sweet and juicy fruits.

Shout Out to Strawberry Lovers

Strawberry is by far an all-time beloved flavor that appears on all menus and recipes. Just to name a few—strawberry cheesecake, strawberry ice cream, strawberry shortcake cookies, and the list grows enormous! It is a catch on its own and it accentuates if not, betters the taste altogether. For example, the strawberry banana smoothie is a classic. These firm, dark red fruits release a delightful aroma as you inhale all the goodness.

The Everbearing Sequoia Strawberries From Your Garden

Entering summer, Sequoia strawberry is a great-to-have variety by your garden in the Las Vegas Valley. With proper care, you will enjoy fresh strawberries all the way into fall. Why Sequoia strawberries in Las Vegas? A perfect location for a full sun environment and sandy soil. Don’t take “sandy” literally by the way, rich compost and well drainage soil is always appreciated. In addition, it is a perennial plant. That means it will die off in winter and come back to life with a little tweak of replanting. A continual supply in savoring the sweet, juicy Sequoia strawberries for three months and longer every year.

More Sequoia Strawberries, Please

Here are a few tips on increasing the production rate of the Sequoia strawberries. First, the crown of the plant must be in good contact with fresh air and daylight, preferably at soil level. Second, on a first-year plant, pick off the white blossoms to prepare for better production next year. However, do look for sights of bees, with these little helpers in pollination, sweet Sequoia strawberries are more to come. Third, regardless of the age of the Sequoia strawberry plant, remove runners (long horizontal stems) as soon as you see it, as they crowd the bed and cause poor fruit production. 

When it finally comes to the time of harvest, you will see the ripening signs of large red berries. We recommend cutting instead of picking the fruits straight off the plant, for it will encourage more Sequoia strawberries from forming. The best time of the day to harvest is early morning, when the air is fresh and the sunlight is gentle. Rinse and store the fruits in the freezer as soon as possible to preserve freshness if you are not eating right away. 

Planting & Care

The Sequoia strawberry plant has great versatility to grow in a container, raised bed, and in-ground gardens. It can spread to as wide as 12 inches or more in length, so make sure to reserve plenty of spacing in between plants for optimal growth.  

Some pests and diseases to watch out for are slugs, snails and birds. Slugs and snails can be easily removed by hand, if not with some splash of sprayed water. Use plastic mulch instead of straws or other organic mulches to fend off slugs. Row covers or bird netting is helpful when it comes to protecting birds from getting the first taste of the Sequoia strawberries before you do. The Sequoia strawberry plant is resistant to ​powdery mildew (whitish fungus disease mounting on leaves), so that would be one less thing to worry about. 

Planting and caring might sound a lot, but really it’s something down the road that we, as gardeners, should keep the worst-case-scenarios in mind. Of course, if the plant is growing healthy, we will just water once a week(keep the soil moist), remove weeds once in a while, and boost with some natural fertilizer. And you bet, our house Worm casting concentrate will always be the top pick! Sequoia strawberry plant would be a first-time-friendly, warm climate friendly to bring home today.

Here is more information on Sequoia strawberries.

Additional information


4-12 inches tall ( 4 pack )


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