Black Magic Kale For Sale


Black Magic Kale, also called Dinosaur kale, is a heat-tolerant variety of kale, which is great for Las Vegas.


We have Black Magic Kale for sale here in Las Vegas. Black Magic Kale, also called Dinosaur kale, is a heat-tolerant variety of kale.

The All-time Favorite Veggie—Black Magic Kale

If you happen to consume kale as part of your diet, keep on reading. If you value kale as a superfood, but have a difficult time liking it, keep on reading. Vegas Worms is proud to introduce a year-round-harvest black magic kale at your fingertip. The versatility of black magic kale is available for applications in gourmet experience regardless of the lengths. In fact, there is no excuse to wait until it is mature enough to eat, as it adheres to give all it has whenever and however. Sounds too good to be true? Keep on reading!

Showcase the Black Magic Kale

When the leaves are very young, less than 6 inches, they make perfect baby greens for salads, smoothies, and sandwiches. Simply pick and rinse the fresh leaves and they are ready to serve! The curve and crinkly nature of the leaves will hold a substantial amount of salad dressing to make each bite delightsome. In addition, the uniformity of the leaves is a breeze to devein when prepping. Even when they reach full maturity, more than 24 inches in length, they are still well suitable in stews, soups, kale chips and many more. Not to mention minimal cooking time is a time-saver for nourishing meals in a hurry.

Black magic kale, Tuscan kale, flat black cabbage or dinosaur kale, doesn’t matter which name you knew it by, is one of the most delicious of all kale varieties. The hue of the leaves will vary from gray to green, and then settle in dark green when they are fully developed. Although it is a British bred vegetable that grows best in cool climates, that never stops a gardener with green thumbs to make it work, so it is for kale lovers. Note that in light frost conditions, you will have the best kale—a mouthful of rich, textured and earthy sweet greens.

Planting & Caring

In a full sun environment like Las Vegas, we recommend having the black magic kale planted in a shaded area to receive partial sunlight. Extreme heat could make the kale bitter in taste. Don’t get me wrong, partial sunlight still requires 6 hours of sunlight.

Black magic kale makes a fine container plant, but if you plan to have more… The more the better! Another way to block excessive sunlight is to apply shade cloth or row cover over the plants. Though the black magic kale resists most pests and diseases, it is still helpful to use row covers. You never know when moths or leaf-eating caterpillars could lay eggs on the plant. Thus, taking these precautions would be a wise move!

In terms of watering and soil quality, simply following the post on Gala apple tree will do. Considering the dryness in Las Vegas, mulching if you haven’t already will help restore moisture in the soil. If you want a boost on the growth, we have worm casting tea concentrate to make all the difference!

Black magic kale is a biennial plant, which means it takes two years to complete its life cycle. But think about it, two years of unlimited* supply of black magic kale! *Of course, that would depend on how many black magic kale you own.  

Think about it—a black magic kale plant could have save you many trips to the grocery store. You have immediate access to your kale supply without waiting 25 days for the seeds. The black magic kale plant is kindly offered for sale in Las Vegas. How will you savor your black magic kale today? Here is more information on black magic kale.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1-2 feet tall, 4-12 inches tall ( 4 pack )


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