Black Soldier Fly Larvae For Sale

The calcium-packed black soldier fly larvae have 50 times more calcium content than mealworms. Black soldier fly larvae are available for sale in Las Vegas.



The Compost Accelerator―Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Black soldier fly larvae are available for sale in Las Vegas! If you have a little garden in the yard, chances are you enjoy homegrown goods and gardening is a somewhat meditating activity. When harvest seasons come, your crop will make you the proudest and most accomplished greenskeeper in every way imaginable. As a green thumb, turning food scraps or green waste to natural fertilizers is not new to us. The thing is, the time waiting for mature compost can take up to 18 to 24 weeks. 

Delayed satisfaction is simply not our thing! Not to mention some plants will need a little boost within this period, and you don’t want to compromise on synthetic fertilizers either. A little-known fact is that red wiggler worms can do some tricks to the compost. But did you know another wiggler of the month―black soldier fly larvae can make the process 5 times faster, reducing the compost time to as short as 5 weeks? Stunning news! 

What is Black Soldier Fly Larvae?

Although the “fly” in the name of black soldier fly larvae can be misleading, “larvae” should be the main focus here. Larvae is the life stage between eggs and pupae, in other words, an immature form of an insect. They are not pests, nor disease carriers. In fact, black soldier fly larvae act as decomposers that break down organic matter in wastes. Length wise, they can grow up to 2cm long. You got decaying organic matters like rotting fruits and plant residues? No problem, black soldier fly larvae are more than happy to handle them for you.

Compact Animal Protein & Calcium Feed

Perhaps you have some insect-eating pets in the house that lead you to land on this page. Let it be chickens, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, wild birds, reptiles, fish and you name it. When compared with another popular feed, such as mealworm, the calcium-packed black soldier fly larvae have 50 times more calcium content. Take hens for example, that’s because our chicks and duckies buddies think highly of black soldier fly larvae! Follow Vegas Worms Instagram for more updates! Black soldier fly larvae provide balanced calcium and phosphorus for hens to build strong eggshells and maintain overall health. 

Chitin Helps Plants Stay Strong

In addition to the massive nutrition, the husks of black soldier fly larvae also produce a sustainable source of polymer called Chitin naturally. Although a waste product from black soldier fly larvae farming, the biomedical industry still makes use of Chitin. Back to our familiar field of gardening, Chitin in plant-absorbable form is called Chitosan. When plants are nurtured in soil treated with Chitin in the developmental stage, they are in good hands that shield against soil pathogens. These pathogens include but are not limited to fungi and pests. Chitin is also a companion in strengthening plant roots.

Sustainability of Black Soldier Fly Larvae

With all the good stuff being said, we have to touch on the sustainable and economical aspects. It takes 44 days for black soldier flies to go through their lifespans. Approximately 3 days to hatch from eggs, 18 days to grow from larvae to pupae, 17 days to turn into adult forms, and 6 more days to lay eggs before the end of the life cycle. Black soldier flies don’t sting or bite like house flies. In fact, each black soldier fly can lay up to 600 eggs to go through the life cycle again. Economically wise, food waste from supermarkets, restaurants, and households become manageable when feeding black soldier fly larvae. In return, black soldier fly larvae become valuable animal feeds.  

Until next time, the black soldier fly larvae frass is available soon at Vegas Worms. Black soldier fly larvae are homegrown and made available for sale in Las Vegas. Here is more information on black soldier fly.  


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